
by Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.

Книги и справочники


Comprehensive e-bookstore in the countrys largest stocking a wide range of line-up comic, to literary magazines, from business books.

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リアル書店でも使えるhontoポイントが貯まる、お得な電子書籍サービス。おかげさまで会員数500万人突破!hontoは丸善、ジュンク堂書店、文教堂などのリアル書店とポイント連携した電子書籍サービスです。読書家のあなたへ、大型書店級70万冊に迫る品揃えをお得なクーポンと共にお届けします。◆お得なクーポン・ポイントサービス・最大50%OFF!あなただけにお得なキャンペーンの通知が届きます◆アプリの便利な機能①シリーズがまとまる本棚・シリーズの本は自動的にまとまるので、漫画や雑誌が増えても本棚が見やすい!・見落としがちな最新刊の入荷も、アプリがそっと知らせてくれます②カスタマイズで快適な読書・文字を大きくしたり背景色を変えたり、本文の縦組/横組に段組表示も自由自在・画像なら拡大・縮小はもちろん、スマホで便利な縦めくりでマンガを読めます・分からない単語を選択すれば、アプリがウィキペディアで意味を調べてくれます③安心のクラウド管理・購入した本は、クラウドからいつでも何度でもダウンロード可能・機種変更やデバイスの紛失があっても、あなたの大事な本は失われません・読んでいるページもクラウドに自動保存されるので、スキマ時間の読書もスムーズです④SDカードへの保存・OS4.4以上のデバイスでは、電子書籍の保存先にSDカードが選べます(※)・ユーザーメモリの少ない端末でも安心してお使いいただけます※一部、対象外となる機種がございます。※ご利用の端末が対象機種かは、無料の本でご確認ください。A great value e-book service where you can collect honto points that can be used at real bookstores. Thanks to you, the number of members has exceeded 5 million!honto is an e-book service that links points with real bookstores such as Maruzen, Junkudo Bookstore, and Bunkyodo. For readers, we will deliver an assortment of books approaching 700,000 books at the large bookstore level with a great deal of coupons.◆ Advantageous coupons and point services・ Up to 50% OFF! Only you will receive notifications of great deals◆ Convenient functions of the app① Bookshelf where the series is organized-Since the books in the series are automatically organized, the bookshelf is easy to see even if the number of manga and magazines increases!・ The app will gently inform you of the latest arrivals that are often overlooked.② Customized and comfortable reading-You can enlarge the characters, change the background color, and freely display columns in vertical / horizontal writing mode.・ If it is an image, you can not only enlarge / reduce it, but also read manga by turning it vertically, which is convenient for smartphones.・ If you select a word you dont understand, the app will look up the meaning on Wikipedia.③ Reliable cloud management・ Purchased books can be downloaded from the cloud anytime and any number of times.・ Even if you change models or lose your device, your important books will not be lost.-Since the page you are reading is automatically saved in the cloud, reading during the gap time is smooth.④ Save to SD card・ For devices with OS 4.4 or higher, you can select an SD card as the save destination for e-books (*)・ You can use it with confidence even on terminals with little user memory.* Some models are not eligible.* Please check the free book to see if your device is the target model.